Title: EXIT STRATEGIES FOR THE FAMILY BUSINESS Location: The Chrysler Building 405 Lexington Avenue • 22nd Floor New York, NY 10174 Link out: Click here Description: Topics include: Growing the Business to Maximize Valuation Advance Planning for an Exit Strategy Different Exit Strategies for the Family Business Estate Planning for an Exit Strategy Featuring presentations [&hellip
Events Archive
Next Generation Leaders Peer Group
Title: Next Generation Leaders Peer Group Location: ITAC 39 Broadway Suite 1110 New York, NY 10006 Description: This group is suitable for potential successors working in the family business. The peer group has these benefits: • A safe place where Next Generation Leaders interact with others facing similar leadership challenges. It fosters a community where [&hellip
Family Business Seminar at Blank Rome LLP
FAMILY BUSINESS SEMINAR Blank Rome LLP One Logan Square, Philadelphia PA 19103 Live Live Web Stream Blank Rome LLP The Chrysler Building New York, NY November 1, 2013 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM [Event] Learn what does and does NOT work for family businesses. Topics will include: Best Practices for a Multi-Generational Family Business The [&hellip
Planning for Successful Transitions and Growth: A Symposium for Closely-Held Manufacturers
Title: Planning for Successful Transitions and Growth Location: Blank & Rome LLP The Chrysler Building 405 Lexington Avenue New York, NY Link out: http://www.itac.org/Events/TransitionGrowth/index.html Description: A Symposium for Closely-Held Manufacturers Topics and Workshops: >Maximize the value of your business. >Select and develop the people you need to lead your business >Manage change so conflict is [&hellip
Practical Succession Planning: Transition Planning that Works
Crowdfunding and Raising Captial on the Web: The Impact of the JOBS Act
Title: Crowdfunding and Raising Captial on the Web: The Impact of the JOBS Act Location: 39 Broadway Suite 1110 New York, NY 10006 Link out: Click here Description: Live and as Webinar. To register for Webinar http://crowdfundingwebinar.eventbrite.com/ The JOBS (Jumpstart our Businesses Act) passed in April with bipartisan support. The legislation represents a new paradigm [&hellip
Columbia University Business School Family Business Club Panel
Title: Columbia University Business School Family Business Club Panel Location: Feldberg Lounge in Warren Hall at Amsterdam and 115th Street Description: The New York Family Firm Institute Study Group will present a case: “Adams Security Services”. Participating will be: Edward Rosenfeld MA, Family Business Advisor and Consultant Bruce Hammer PhD, Business Coach and Psychologist Richard [&hellip
Transition Planning for Closely-Held Business
SEEDCO Financial- Succession and Exit Planning
Title: SEEDCO Financial- Succession and Exit Planning Location: 70 Mulberry Street New York, NY Description: Roundtable discussion on Succession and Exit Planning for small business, family owned business and/or closely held business. Why planning should be done at any point in the business life-cycle. How to have choices as to when and to whom to [&hellip